
Over-the-counter drug alert

60 million consumers warned about over-the-counter medicines [1]

The team of 60 million consumers studied 72 food supplements and 60 non-prescription drugs.

A monitoring system: The nutrivigilance system set up by the ANSES [2] enables the detection of potential undesirable effects of active ingredients. It is used in food products, such as food supplements.

The authors of the article tell us that, just like medicines, many substances in food supplements, seemingly “innocuous”, can cause undesirable effects without having proven their effectiveness.

For example, it is thanks to this tool that an alert was issued on melatonin consumption. It is used in more than half of the “sleep” food supplements that have been studied.

  • In conclusion, it can harm the circadian rhythm or cause nausea, dizziness and sometimes convulsions.

ANSES, then conducted an assessment of the potential health risks.

She then recommended that certain populations avoid the consumption of food supplements containing melatonin because of its undesirable effects.

  • It is therefore not recommended for pregnantand breastfeeding women, children and teenagers, people suffering from inflammatory or auto-immune diseases, epilepsy, asthma, mood, behaviour or personality disorders, as well as people taking medication.

What about Claripharm?

The Claripharm Laboratoryensures compliance with safety rules and regulations by surrounding itself with experts to formulate and manufacture products that are effective, safe and comply with current regulations.

Our Claricycle food supplement has followed a controlled manufacturing process, being registered with the authorities before it is placed on the market and following up with consumers.

Sources :

[1] 15/10/2020, Christelle Pangrazzi, 60 millions de consommateurs, Hors-série – N° 205 – novembre 2020

[2] ANSES (l’agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail)

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