How to use the Claricycle?

3 tablets per day,
with a glass of water

Start 3 days
before your periods

And continue
the first 2 days of your periods

A simple health
and well-being routine
The amount of your periods varies during a cycle, as does the color of your periods. It is quite normal to observe variations in flow depending on the person, age, or different periods of the vagina’s life, such as:
– The first periods,
– After the insertion of a copper IUD,
– In pre-menopause,
– In post-partum
– But also when following a certain diet, exercising, or when taking hormonal contraceptives.
Please contact your nearest doctor if you have any concerns about your menstrual bleeding.
Menorrhagia is a heavy and/or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
Menstrual periods are considered heavy if:
– The duration exceeds 7 days
– And/or the total amount is more than 80 ml per day (which corresponds to approximately 5 menstrual cups size 1 filled, or more than 5 super plus tampons or more than 5 super plus sanitary pads filled).
Heavy periods can be related to different factors:
– Physical causes:
o Coagulation disorders (increased blood thinning, increased prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and prostacyclin (prostaglandin I2), two hormones that induce inflammation, prolonged vasodilation and poor plaque formation, thus leading to poor coagulation)
o Endometriosis
o Benign lesions of the uterus such as fibroids or uterine polyps
– Hormonal changes:
o Hormonal imbalance related to the hormones of the menstrual cycle (progesterone and estrogen)
First of all, you have to ask yourself if your periods are abundant in quantity and/or duration? To help you quantify your flow, several solutions are available:
– With a menstrual cup, it will be very easy to know how many milliliters of period you lose because we indicate the capacity of our menstrual cups.
– With super absorbent tampons or pads: if you change them every hour or every 2 hours, you have a very heavy flow.
– With the Higham score.
The Higham score is a tool that allows you to evaluate, and therefore objectively quantify, menstrual blood loss.
Download the Higham Score table to calculate my flow
Each table corresponds to a menstrual cycle. Each line of the chart represents slightly, moderately, or heavily soiled tampons or pads. Each day you assign a score in the appropriate box (protection and soiling) as each sanitary protection item is disposed of. Also, don’t forget to enter your clots and overflows for the calculation of your daily score.
A score over 100 means that you are bleeding an amount of 80 ml or more of blood, which is called menorrhagia. Please contact your nearest physician if you have any concerns about your menstrual bleeding.
Do you have other questions? Contactus at:
Our Commitment
The Claricycle is a food supplement and not a medicine.